Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Henry the 8th and his Wives

I am a Big fan of Tudor history and I wanted to share my collection of Henry 8th and his 6 Wives dolls. I love the detail of there clothing. From left to right we have Catherine of Aragon ( Divorced), Anne Boleyn ( Executed ), Jane Seymore ( Died soon after chilbirth), Anne of Cleves (Annulled), Kathryn Howard ( Executed) and Katherine Parr (Widowed)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ready for delivery to my Prayer Shawl Ministry

BIG's Shawl is home!

My Shawl getting ready to travel
My finished shawl has arrived home...  It has been decorated with love and will have some fringe added and donated to my Prayer Shawl Ministry.